Hovde Now Supports Preexisting Conditions Clause in Obamacare

Article Summary –

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Eric Hovde criticized Obamacare in a recent radio interview, claiming it has worsened health care coverage in the United States. In contrast to his stance 12 years ago, he now supports the law’s protections against insurance companies dropping people with preexisting conditions. Incumbent Democratic Senator Tammy Baldwin voted for the Affordable Care Act and argues it has been a force for good in Wisconsin, citing health care coverage expansion, reduced costs for families, and protection for people with preexisting conditions.

Wisconsin Republican Candidate Criticizes Obamacare

Eric Hovde, Wisconsin Republican U.S. Senate candidate, criticized Obamacare in an April 15 radio interview, claiming it has worsened health care coverage in the U.S, with only preexisting conditions protections garnering his support – a change from his stance 12 years ago, where he opposed the law entirely.

Hovde, competing against Democratic incumbent Sen. Tammy Baldwin, during the interview argued that health care costs have only risen since the enactment of Obamacare, criticising its flaws.

Previous Opposition to Obamacare

In his 2012 Senate campaign, Hovde pledged to repeal the law, predicting it would strip 20 million Americans of coverage, bankrupt the country, and undermine consumer freedom. He advocated for a complete repeal and replacement of Obamacare, favoring a free-market approach during a campaign video.

In a 2012 debate, he did not support any parts of the law, criticizing increasing government involvement in health care.

Affordable Care Act Impacts

Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, hundreds of thousands of Wisconsinites with preexisting medical conditions are now protected against discrimination. Over 212,000 individuals in Wisconsin obtained affordable health insurance in 2022 through the marketplace.

Hovde’s 2024 campaign website includes a page called “Fixing Our Broken Healthcare System,” containing several criticisms about Obamacare’s impact on health care quality and cost.

Affordable Care Act Praise

In contrast, Baldwin celebrated the 14th anniversary of the Affordable Care Act in March, highlighting its benefits to Wisconsin families. In a press release, she emphasized the law’s role in expanding coverage, cutting costs, protecting those with pre-existing conditions, and allowing youth to stay on parents’ insurance until 26.

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