Economy News

Rescue Plan Shields Thousands of Homes from Foreclosure: Treasury Report

Article Summary – A report from the Treasury Department reveals that the American Rescue Plan, created in response to the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, helped over 500,000 families avoid home foreclosure. The legislation funded the Homeowner Assistance Fund, contributing over $9.4 billion to assist homeowners with mortgage payments,

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Rescue Plan saves thousands from home foreclosure: Treasury report

Article Summary – According to a Treasury Department report, over 500,000 families avoided home foreclosures due to financial assistance from the American Rescue Plan. The 2021 legislation created the Homeowner Assistance Fund, which provided over $9.4 billion to states for homeowners’ mortgage payments, insurance costs, and utility bills after the

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Exxon’s CEO Supports Inflation Reduction Act

Article Summary – ExxonMobil CEO Darren Woods says that while renewable energy sources and electric vehicles are crucial, they are not sufficient on their own for the energy transition. Instead, he suggests a broader set of solutions including carbon capture, storage, hydrogen and biofuels, and supports the Inflation Reduction Act

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Biden, Congress to Tackle China’s Challenge to Inflation Act

Article Summary – The Inflation Reduction Act has led to increased investments in the U.S. renewable energy sector, but these may be jeopardized by China’s attempts to control the solar supply chain. The Biden administration has been accused of inadvertently aiding China by suspending tariffs on Chinese products, which has

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Economists: Australia’s Net Zero Aim Shouldn’t Mirror US Inflation Act

Article Summary – Australia’s leading economists are advising Prime Minister Anthony Albanese against emulating US President Joe Biden’s “think big” approach to clean energy. A survey revealed that two-thirds of participating economists advocated for supporting innovation across the economy rather than specifically supporting projects that drive the energy transition. They

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Samsung Gets $6B CHIPS Act Fund for U.S. Growth

Article Summary – Samsung Electronics is expected to receive a $6B federal grant from the US Commerce Department for expanding its chipmaking plants in America. The grant, part of the $28B set aside through the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022 for manufacturers, would supplement Samsung’s previous US investments, including

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Impact of Inflation Reduction Act on Biosimilars

Article Summary – The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), aimed at lowering the financial burden on people and cutting federal spending on drugs, could significantly impact the market dynamics for biosimilar drugs. The Act introduces several provisions, including direct price negotiations with manufacturers and higher reimbursement for biosimilars in Medicare Part

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Success of Inflation Reduction Act Due to Simplicity

Article Summary – The European Union needs to simplify its financial support and conditions for the bloc’s battery manufacturing ecosystem, according to panelists at a conference hosted by Benchmark Mineral Intelligence. Speakers highlighted the approach taken by the US and China, which offer clear incentives for companies who fulfil certain

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Granholm: Climate law resilient to GOP attacks

Article Summary – Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm expressed doubt that a future Republican president and Congress would repeal President Joe Biden’s climate law due to its benefits being realized by Americans. Granholm’s team is working to ensure the billions of dollars in grants and tax credits from the 2022 Inflation

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