Shapiro’s $1.6M grants to aid college-going parents announced

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Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro’s administration has announced $1.6 million in grant funds to increase the affordability of higher education for parents. The Parent Pathways Grant funding will cover scholarships and programming for undergraduate students with children, addressing findings from a 2022 report that college-attending parents require improved support with child care, housing, financial aid, and food. The announcement follows Shapiro’s push for increased education funding in the 2024-2025 budget, which includes $279 million to make college more affordable and a nearly $1 billion increase for state colleges and universities.

Pennsylvania Gov. Announces Over $1 Million in Grants for Higher Education for Parents

Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro’s administration, on Feb. 13, made public over $1 million in grant funds directed at making higher education more affordable for parents. The Pennsylvania Department of Education confirmed that its $1.6 million Parent Pathways Grant will be allocated to eligible higher education institutions. These funds will cover scholarships and programs for undergraduate students with children.

Education Secretary Khalid Mumin emphasized the diversity of today’s students and the necessity of providing support for learners with unique needs and backgrounds. The Parent Pathways Grant Program aims to aid learners in balancing academic and family responsibilities during their tertiary education journey.

According to the Department of Education, up to 20% of undergraduate students are also raising children. A 2022 report from the state Department of Human Services highlighted the increased need for student-parents’ support in areas like childcare, housing, financial aid, and food. The grant program aims to address these needs.

Eligible institutions can apply for funds to provide parent-focused scholarships, stipends, emergency funds, and expanding childcare facilities. They can also fund salary support for staff assisting parents with resources, or boost existing parent-focused programs on their campuses. Applications for funding are open until March 12.

This grant announcement follows Shapiro’s push for higher education funding increases in the forthcoming 2024-2025 budget. In his budget proposal, Shapiro calls for $279 million for affordable college and almost $1 billion more in state college funding, marking a 15% increase.

The Department of Education supports this plan, stating it could significantly boost state funding for colleges and universities, unite PASSHE universities and community colleges under a new governance structure, and limit tuition costs for qualified students.

These and other funding goals could potentially elevate Pennsylvania from 49th to 22nd place nationwide in state higher education funding in the next five years.

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