Poll: Older PA Voters Prioritize Safety Net Programs

Article Summary –

AARP’s April 2024 Pennsylvania voter survey of people aged 50 and over found that their main voting issue is personal economic issues, most notably Social Security and Medicare. The stance on these issues separates Democratic Sen. Bob Casey and his Republican opponent, Dave McCormick, with Casey having the support of the National Committee to Preserve Social Security & Medicare. However, McCormick has previously backed cuts to safety net programs and does not mention them on his campaign’s issues page, while Casey leads McCormick 48%-44% among all likely voters according to the AARP poll.

A new Pennsylvania Voter’s Poll

A recent poll reveals that personal economic issues, particularly Social Security and Medicare, are top concerns for Pennsylvania voters aged 50 and over. The views on these issues mark a significant distinction between Democratic Sen. Bob Casey and his Republican opponent, Dave McCormick.

Major Voting Issues

The AARP’s April 2024 Pennsylvania voter survey reported that 56% of participants above 50 identified their leading voting issue as personal economic issues. Furthermore, 79% and 73% ranked Social Security and Medicare respectively as highly important in their voting decisions.

Older Voter’s Perspective

According to Bob Ward of Fabrizio Ward polling, older voters tend to support candidates that assure the protection of Social Security benefits. Bill Johnston-Walsh, State Director for AARP Pennsylvania, confirmed that 62% of the electorate in the 2022 midterm elections were older Pennsylvanians.

McCormick’s Stance

McCormick’s campaign remains silent on safety net programs like Medicare, Medicaid, or Social Security. In his 2022 Senate campaign, McCormick advocated for cuts to these programs, arguing for a reevaluation of entitlements for future sustainability.

Casey’s Position

Sen. Bob Casey, endorsed by the National Committee to Preserve Social Security & Medicare, has consistently defended middle-class families, workers and seniors against attempts to undermine Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. He criticized McCormick’s support for Social Security privatization.

Party Reactions

McComick’s critics, including Pennsylvania Democratic Party spokesperson TaNisha Cameron, claim he threatens Social Security while protecting tax giveaways for wealthy corporations. Conversely, the latest AARP poll suggests that incumbent Casey leads McCormick by 48%-44% among all likely voters.

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