New Election Administrator Appointed in Cascade County

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Terry Thompson, former CEO of the Great Falls Association of Realtors, has been appointed as the new election administrator for Cascade County. The appointment follows the removal of the previous Clerk and Recorder, Sandra Merchant, from her electoral duties due to allegations of mishandled elections. Thompson’s appointment has sparked debate, with some expressing concern over his lack of experience in running local elections, and others praising his non-partisan credentials.

Ex-Great Falls Association of Realtors CEO Terry Thompson is Cascade County’s New Election Administrator

Terry Thompson, previously the CEO of the Great Falls Association of Realtors, was appointed as Cascade County’s new Election Administrator by the county’s commissioners. This follows the commission’s decision to relieve Clerk and Recorder Sandra Merchant of her electoral duties.

Thompson was selected among four candidates by the county’s three Republican commissioners, Joe Briggs, Rae Grulkowski and Joe Briggs. The commission considered the applicants’ responses and qualifications, with Thompson and former 16-year Democratic Clerk and Recorder Rina Moore emerging as the top contenders.

“We had four quality candidates, which made the decision tough,” Briggs noted. Acknowledging the county’s election administration controversy, Grulkowski expressed her desire for stability and thanked the community for their patience.

Last year, Cascade County experienced contentious debates around election administration due to allegations of mismanagement under Merchant. However, Merchant and her supporters vehemently denied these claims and accused Briggs and Larson of circumventing voters’ will by transferring her duties to a commission-appointed administrator.

Public reactions to Thompson’s appointment were mixed. Some raised concerns about Thompson’s lack of experience in managing local elections, especially given the tight schedule of upcoming school elections and military ballots. Others expressed confidence in the Elections Office staff and praised Thompson’s appointment, hoping it would end election administration disputes in the county.

The election administration debate in Cascade County has attracted attention for its potential impact on statewide elections. As a historically swing county that has leaned right in recent years, Cascade County’s election outcomes could significantly affect national politics, particularly the upcoming re-election bid of Democratic U.S. Sen. Jon Tester. Briggs has voiced concerns that continued election administration issues could lead to legal complications for the county.

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