Ex-Michigan Speaker Chatfield Faces Embezzlement Charges

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Former Michigan House Speaker Lee Chatfield and his wife, Stephanie, have been charged with multiple felonies related to embezzlement, conspiracy, and larceny. Attorney General Dana Nessel alleges that the couple used public and private funds to maintain a luxurious lifestyle, including fine dining, posh hotels, and trips to exotic locations. Among the numerous charges, Chatfield is accused of conducting a criminal enterprise, a 20-year felony.

Embezzlement Charges Against Former Michigan House Speaker Lee Chatfield

Ex-Michigan House Speaker, Lee Chatfield and his wife Stephanie face serious felony charges for abusing public and private funds. Michigan Attorney General, Dana Nessel, detailed they used these funds for personal luxuries, including fine dining, upscale hotels and exotic trips.

Chatfield, who served as the majority party leader in 2019 and 2020, is charged with 13 embezzlement, conspiracy and larceny counts, with the most severe charge being a 20-year felony for conducting a criminal enterprise.

Stephanie Chatfield is alleged to have helped in improper billing of family expenses to a nonprofit the Peninsula Fund. She faces one count each of embezzlement and conspiracy, each a 10-year felony.

The investigation into allegations of sexual assault against a family member filed against Chatfield have been closed without charges, Nessel said. She explained that they could not definitively prove a criminal sexual assault charge.

Nessel further explained that the couple charged a broad range of personal expenses to public and political funds, including a family vacation to Universal Studios in Orlando. A \”check kickback\” scheme was also used by Chatfield wherein he wrote checks to an associate or relative and then took back cash for personal expenses.

The Peninsula Fund was used by the couple to pay off $132,000 in Chatfield’s personal credit card charges over a 14-month period. The couple has not been arrested and will be allowed to report for arraignment and processing at a future date through their attorneys.

Chatfield’s attorney, Mary Chartier, called the charges politically motivated: “We are prepared to fight them each and every step of the way”. She also expressed relief that the sexual assault investigation was closed, labeling the accusations “meritless”.

Two of Chatfield’s top aides also face charges for allegedly conducting a criminal enterprise while working for Chatfield that included embezzling funds from nonprofits and campaign committees.

Nessel also pointed out that Michigan has weak campaign finance laws, causing “legal types of bribery”.

The investigation started when Michigan State Police launched an investigation into Chatfield after his brother’s wife, Rebekah Chatfield, reported sexual assaults by him to local law enforcement. Funds controlled by Chatfield took in more than $5 million in six years and over $2 million in his last year as speaker.

Chatfield is also charged with embezzling public funds by overcharging for mileage reimbursements available to state lawmakers. Nessel highlighted instances where Chatfield claimed reimbursements for trips he never made.

Nessel called for stricter campaign finance and nonprofit laws, linking the charges against Chatfield to the dark money culture in Lansing.

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