Detroit Mayor Partners to Replace Lead Pipes Across States

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At a White House summit, the mayors of Milwaukee, Detroit, and Chicago announced their cities’ participation in the Great Lakes Lead Pipes Partnership, aimed at accelerating the replacement of lead water pipes in the region. The partnership is part of President Biden’s broader effort to replace all lead service lines in the US within the next decade, and ties into the 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act that allocated over $26 billion for line replacement and safe drinking water projects. The White House revealed there are an estimated 9 million lead pipes still in place across the United States, many of which are located in the Great Lakes region.

Great Lakes Cities Join Coalition for Lead Pipes Replacement

The mayors of Milwaukee, Detroit, and Chicago have joined the Great Lakes Lead Pipes Partnership, as announced at a White House summit on April 23. This organization promotes cooperation among Great Lakes region cities to hasten the replacement of lead water delivery pipes. [source]

Progress will be showcased across the region, with Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson highlighting the opportunity to learn from cities facing similar challenges. Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan revealed that his city has already replaced over 5,000 lead pipes this year and praised the partnership as the ideal coalition to maintain this remarkable pace.

Despite the widespread use of lead pipes in U.S. water delivery systems, lead poisoning from these systems poses serious health risks. [source] The Environmental Protection Agency cites effects in children to include behavioral and learning problems, hearing issues, and slowed growth. In adults, lead-tainted water can cause hypertension, decreased kidney function, and reproductive problems.

The launch of the Great Lakes Lead Pipes Partnership was part of the White House Water Summit, where a national partnership to protect freshwater resources was announced. It was revealed that of the estimated 9 million lead pipes still in use in the U.S., many are located in the Great Lakes region.

The partnership is a component of the Biden-Harris Get the Lead Out Partnership, initiated in 2023 at a White House summit. [source] President Biden aims to replace all lead service lines in the U.S. within a decade.

The 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act signed by Biden includes over $26 billion for line replacement and safe drinking water funds. [source] Over $699 million in federal funding from this law has been allocated for Michigan water infrastructure projects, including $86.9 million for lead line replacement and $144.7 million for water projects addressing lead pipe issues. [source]

The infrastructure law had unanimous support from Democrats, including Michigan’s Sens. Debbie Stabenow and Gary Peters, and Wisconsin’s Sen. Tammy Baldwin, despite opposition from state Republicans. [source]

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